Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Album Artwork

Flyleaf's most recent album cover is for the album 'Momento Mori'.

I decided to find out what the meaning was behind the album cover because it would give some more insight into what the band's views are and what they represent.

'Memento Mori' meaning "Remember you're mortal". And whenever the king would came back from a war or battle, there would be a parade. But a slave would be behind him saying "Memento Mori", meaning, "You're just like the rest of us. Remember, you will die one day. You don't exceed that rule". So the king is on the front, and there are trumpet players for the "parade" and the Lacey (The lead singer) is the slave saing 'Memento Mori!'.

However, for The Pretty Reckless first and only album cover at the moment the meaning is not as intricate as Flyleaf's. A quote from Taylor Momsen (the lead singer) says...
Taylor: '“Light Me Up” seemed like a steady title, it’s the first record. You know starts fire, lights up. The album art is actually a reference to a photo of myself when I was two years old so I got the idea from that. The picture is me on this little baby motorcycle with this leather jacket and Ray bans. I think I was actually three, I had this leather jacket that I wore like every day. I was obsessed with it when I was kid.I kinda got it from that picture, she’s lighting something.

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